Cannot get temperatur sent from sensor

I have a outdoor temperature sensor that works fine and shows the temperature in the HA Front end gui.
I am now trying to send the temperature to a IFTTT script, but nothing shows. Most likely a syntax error.

This is the code in the editor:

And this is the script in script.yaml:

      alias: Ifttt trigger 2
      - data:
          event: SendTemp
          value1: ' {{ state.sensor.utomhustemperatur_temperature }} '
        service: ifttt.trigger

You get the state from an entity with:
{{ states.sensor.utomhustemperatur_temperature.state }}

Thank you for your reply.
Tried to change now according the above:

  alias: Ifttt trigger 2
  - data:
      event: SendTemp
      value1: ' {{ states.sensor.utomhustemperatur_temperature.state }} '
    service: ifttt.trigger

But it still does not send any temperature values.

When you paste {{ states.sensor.utomhustemperatur_temperature.state }} in Dev Tools/templates, does it show the right value?
If so, according to the docs, the service should be called with data_template instead of data.
I’m not using IFTTT myself, so can’t test.

Hi, ok interesting! Yes, it is showing the temperature in developer tools.
I will try to find out how to do it with data_template.
