Cannot Include Leviton ZW4SF fan switch

I can’t figure out how to include my newly-installed Leviton ZW4SF switch. When I use the Home Assistant Zwave JS UI “inclusion” mode (and put the switch in inclusion mode, obviously), Home Assistant either never ‘finds’ the switch, or else it doesn’t like it . There is no error message, just the end of the Inclusion process without adding anything. I attempted several times (including reboots), and tried specifying S2, S0, and no encryption. Results were always the same.

A couple of days ago I was able to successfully include a different Leviton switch using the same method, and it worked fine.

FYI, I’ve never been able to use the QR code to add a Leviton device (tried on other Leviton devices), so admittedly I never tried that method (with this switch). If there is a workaround, I am very OK with that.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Try excluding the device first. Sometimes devices come from the factory already included into the network.

If you don’t have https setup then you will not be able to scan qr codes using your camera. This limitation is NOT caused by home assistant or z-wave js ui. From what I’ve read Its because the browser companies (google,firefox,etc) decided a while ago that it was unsecure to access the camera or mic over http so they made it so you can only access these things if you have https setup.

Depending on how you have Z-Wave JS UI installed you can enable https mode in the settings and it will generate a self signed certificate so that you can use the camera. I run the standalone version on windows.

Beside this Z-Wave JS UI provides 3 other options to add your device to the smart start list. You can upload a picture of the qr code. You can scan your code with a bar code scanner. It should output a 52 digit number that starts with 9001 that you can input into Z-Wave JS UI. The last option is to manually type out your DSK.

Thanks, Cornell - very helpful!

Looking on the Internet, it appears as though enabling https is a non-trivial effort, but I will likely look into that soon, since I believe it is ia good idea.

I tried dragging a picture of the QR code into Home Assistant Z-Wave JS UI, but HA said it couldn’t read the code. I even cut out “just” the QR code (removed all extraneous stuff around the code within the picture I took), but that didn’t help.

I also used my mobile phone to scan the QR code then manually entered the first 52 digits (the QR scan actually produced 102 digits) which indeed did start with 9001, but Home Assistant wouldn’t enable the ‘Confirm’ button after I entered those 52 digits.

‘However’, when I entered 53 digits, the ‘Confirm’ button was enabled, but resulted in an invalid checksum when I clicked on the Confirm button.

Very frustrating.

Anyway, I will keep tinkering with this, but any further suggestions would be welcomed. Thanks again.

I think I’m wrong on the number of digits the qr code ouputs. I just know it should start with 9001 and its a really large number.

After scanning various qr codes I found that it either generates a 90 digit number or a 97 digit number.

I believe you are correct, because when I selected the option to enter the code, it displayed a message saying that it required 52 digits and must begin with ‘90’. What was strange is that when I entered the first 52 digits of the “long” code, HA didn’t enable the ‘Confirm’ button to allow me to submit the code, but when I entered the 53rd digit, it “did” allow me to submit it - although it didn’t like the code.

I will try it again at a later date, but am pretty stumped as to how to proceed if it doesn’t work.

You’re supposed to enter the entire unmodified QR text string. Do not shorten it to 52 characters or modify it in any way.

‘However’, when I entered 53 digits, the ‘Confirm’ button was enabled, but resulted in an invalid checksum when I clicked on the Confirm button.

This is expected because the QR code contains a CRC. By modifying the text you have caused the CRC check to fail.

The error check you are referring to is just a bug in Z-Wave JS UI (not Home Assistant). It’s checking for a minimum character length but has an off-by-one error. It doesn’t bother verifying other parts of the code if it fails that.

Just an FYI, you keep saying “HA”, but you are using Z-Wave JS UI not HA for this. They have different implementations and UIs for node inclusion and SmartStart, so it’s kind of important to be clear for those reading.

I was using HA (Home Assistant) as an ‘overall’ product that includes all of its components, but will attempt to differentiate individual add-ons and such in the future.

Regrettably putting in the entire string of numbers (about 100 digits) into the text field during inclusion didn’t result in anything. After entering the number and pressing the ‘CONFIRM’ button, the following status messages appeared:

API parseQRCodeString called

API provisionSmartStartNode called

Error while calling provisionSmartStartNode: The controller does not support the SmartStart feature (ZW0209)

Is it possible that the Z-wave stick I am using (Aeotec ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5) is the issue? It is an older device that (up until now, possibly) has worked well for me, and it has also allowed Z-Wave JS UI to add devices by putting the device in ‘inclusion mode’ up until this most recent exercise.

Thanks, freshcoast, for your assistance and information - it has been most helpful. If you have additional thoughts, I would appreciate your insights.

The older Gen5 controllers don’t support SmartStart. You would need to upgrade to v1.2 (aka v1.02) if you want the functionality.

Did you ever do this?

I use any QR code scanner app available on my phone. The 40 digit QR code starts with the Pin number that shows next to the QR code image.

Scan the code, copy the 40 digits starting with the pin number. Add a - every 5 numbers until you get 40.
Paste that number into z-wave UI smart start.

I have done this many times and it works for me.

Example below.

Pin # 22667
