Cannot install add-ons

I cannot seem to install any add-ons in (freshly installed on a R-Pi 1B). The logs give an error

19-01-08 16:26:16 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [hassio.docker.interface] Can't install homeassistant/armhf-addon-ssh:4 -> 404 Client Error: Not Found ("no such image: homeassistant/armhf-addon-ssh:4: No such image: homeassistant/armhf-addon-ssh:4")

for each add-on I try to install. Since this has been the case for more than 24 hours, I cannot believe the server is down. Is it possible that the add-ons are not available for armhf (even though itself is)?

I’ve been running hassio on a pi 3b for some time. I just tried installing the CEC scanner without problem.

Thanks, that would confirm that the server is not down. That leaves the option that either my fresh install is corrupt or add-ons may not work on a RPi 1B. I’ll write a new SD card and see if that will help.

I was wondering about the 1B. I would take it as an excuse for new v3. :slight_smile: