Cannot load HA OS after installing to Samsung SSD

Hi all,

Looking for some help from this kind community! Struggling to get HA installed… First I managed to brick 2 PCs (Fujitsu’s) that wouldn’t even load BIOS… Ive managed to salvage them now and so I’m using an older (compatible) version of Ubuntu to boot from usb drive into Ubuntu.

From Ubuntu I downloaded the HA OS, from the link in the guide, and then went to disk, and then restore disk image - selected the HA downloaded file and all seemed OK. Except it won’t boot.

Tried manually selecting the correct drive, and all that happens is it seems to load the network card or something? I get the attached on screen, despite me selecting the Samsung drive as the boot device.

Any help would be really appreciated!

P.s. tried formatting the drive and doing the steps again but made no difference.

Sorry… I accidentally booted to the wrong thing.

So this is the error I get on selecting the Samsung drive that HA is installed on.

Anyone got any ideas?! I’m struggling, as no idea where to go from here. I seem to have disabled secure boot. I’ve tried forcing UEFI boot options and I get no options (the Samsung sata drive nor the USB I’ve flashed HA os to show… When I change bios settings to show all boot media, I select them and then get the same error.

Is it right that the HA OS boot partition should be fat16? Seems that’s how it is set up when using Ubuntu.