Cannot load Scripts from folder

Hello, I’m fairly new to Home Assistant and I’m having trouble loading scripts from a folder.
I’m using the image on a rasberry pi version 0.100.2
I know that the scripts are not lists like automations and are dictionary names and should be loaded using !include_dir_merge_named (if I’m not mistaken that is)
In my config file I use:

# so that I can use the web editor 
script: !include scripts.yaml
# to have scripts in files inside a folder like with automations
script old: !include_dir_merge_named scripts/

and the actual script I’m putting in the scripts folder is something like a simple script file leaving_home.yaml

  alias: Leaving home
  - data:
      entity_id: group.all_lights
    service: light.turn_off

The problem is that none of my script appear to be detected and when I boot up Home assistant no error are shown and I cannot call any of the scripts in the folder.
I also tried !include_dir_named and other configs and none work.
Has this option been removed in the new version of home assistant?
Any help or insight is much appreciated.

You can’t do both. Either you use the editor in which case all the scripts end up in a single file or you have multiple script files but then you can’t use the editor. Your choice.

Ok, so this does not work like automations where you can have both only that you cannot edit the ones in the folder?
Will try only with the folder.

@micque You are correct I just tried only with !include_dir_merge_named and it now loads the scripts in the folder it would be awesome to do with scripts the same that we can do with automations but anyway my problem is solved so thank you very much for your help :slight_smile:
In the process what I found out if it helps anyone, is that when you have the scripts in the folder you can still use the editor to create/scaffold them(at least in my install) just that when you save one although it does not appear in the list it is saved to the scripts.yaml then is just a matter of copy/paste and tweak it in the folder.