Hello, I’m fairly new to Home Assistant and I’m having trouble loading scripts from a folder.
I’m using the hass.io image on a rasberry pi version 0.100.2
I know that the scripts are not lists like automations and are dictionary names and should be loaded using !include_dir_merge_named (if I’m not mistaken that is)
In my config file I use:
# so that I can use the web editor
script: !include scripts.yaml
# to have scripts in files inside a folder like with automations
script old: !include_dir_merge_named scripts/
and the actual script I’m putting in the scripts folder is something like a simple script file leaving_home.yaml
alias: Leaving home
- data:
entity_id: group.all_lights
service: light.turn_off
The problem is that none of my script appear to be detected and when I boot up Home assistant no error are shown and I cannot call any of the scripts in the folder.
I also tried !include_dir_named and other configs and none work.
Has this option been removed in the new version of home assistant?
Any help or insight is much appreciated.