Cannot Log In to New Home Assistant Green


I am a new user and have just purchased Home Assistant Green.

I plugged the Home Assistant into my network, downloaded the app and was presented with a screen showing my Home server. When I clicked on the server I had to download some software, which took around 30 minutes.

I was then presented with a create account screen. I entered my name, username and password. After 15 minutes of waiting the create account screen seemed locked. I unplugged the Home Assistant and plugged it back in again.

When I went on the app it asked for my username and password, which I entered. I received an error message stating the details were incorrect.

How do I resolve this problem? Can I prefer a factory reset and start again?

Thanks for any help.

Hi Carl, welcome to the forum!

Some characters are causing troubles when creating an account; don’t know what you used.
Since it’s a new setup, I would not go through the trouble of searching, asking, waiting for an answer/solution but start over again.
That will most likely be the fastest way to get your HA running IMHO.
Just don’t use special characters.

Sure, see this: Resetting the device – Home Assistant Green

Hi Nick,

It would be great to factory rest the box and start again. How do I do that?

The only computer I have is a Mac laptop and I have my iPhone.

Regards, Carl.

Check the link that @desean (tnx) posted!

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Or else:

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