Cannot Login from any other machine on the LAN

I cannot login to my HA browser frontend from any machine other than the one I used when I set up the HA supervised instance. This is puzzling behavior since it did not occur previously back when I was running HA unsupervised. If I try to login from a different workstation or my laptop it just gives an “Unauthorized login attempt” error.

I have been unable to figure this one out. Can someone point me to anything that might help me troubleshoot this?

Here is my setup information

System Health
Version 	core-2022.2.9
Installation Type 	Home Assistant Supervised
Development 	false
Supervisor 	true
Docker 	true
User 	root
Virtual Environment 	false
Python Version 	3.9.7
Operating System Family 	Linux
Operating System Version 	5.10.0-9-amd64
CPU Architecture 	x86_64
Timezone 	America/Chicago

Home Assistant Cloud
Logged In 	false
Reach Certificate Server 	ok
Reach Authentication Server 	ok
Reach Home Assistant Cloud 	timeout

Home Assistant Supervisor
Host Operating System 	Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Update Channel 	stable
Supervisor Version 	supervisor-2022.05.2
Docker Version 	20.10.11
Disk Total 	36.4 GB
Disk Used 	13.2 GB
Healthy 	true
Supported 	Unsupported – more info
Supervisor API 	ok
Version API 	ok
Installed Add-ons 	File editor (5.3.3), Node-RED (11.0.4), Z-Wave JS to MQTT (0.35.2), Z-Wave JS (0.1.50), Zigbee2mqtt (1.24.0-1)

Dashboards 	1
Resources 	0
Mode 	auto-gen