Cannot mount Network Storage - "stop included in transaction"

Hello everyone,

I have been trying to get this to work and I haven’t found this specific set up while looking in the forum posts, so maybe there’s someone who can help.

I tried to mount a Synology drive and created a shared folder there. I even created a “HomeAssistant” use to access the folder.
When I go into HomeAssistant and try to set everything up, it looks like this:

When I try to connect, I get the following error message: (Ignore the specific name. The screenshot was taken when I tried a different name.)
Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-12-04 19-52-50

When I close the window, I do not have any network storage connected.

Here comes the weird part: My HomeAssistant runs on a 1TB hard drive. Checking the “storage” tab in HomeAssistant tells me, I still have ~1500GB unused. That means I magically generated more storage than is available on my hard drive.

Checking my docker container (?) with docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=supervisor -q) bash and navigating to data - mounts, it shows me the three attempts I have tried before:


So somehow it did mount something, generating more storage, but does not show me in HomeAssistant and does not give me the option to select it as an automatic backup location.

I lack any competence in that area and have no clue how all of this works. Can anyone help me here?
Thanks for your time.