Cannot open HASS.IO Panel after 70.0 update


I updated my install to version 70.0. Currently I cannot open the settings panel. I only get a blank page. I cleared the browser cache and tried different browser. I found a few posts where it was recommended to change the Javascript version of the frontend. Unfortunately, this did not bring any improvement. Currently the setting in my config is set to: javascript_version: latest

Did someone have the same problem?


Additional information. I tried with chrome and it works. Is this now the only browser that will do the job :-/


I ran into this as well. Neither Safari or FireFox work from a current MacOS system. Only Chrome works now.

I didn’t even update. I’m on 0.69.1 and I have exactly the same issue. FF, MS Edge and the iOS app fail to render the Hassio tab. Chrome shows it correctly. I tried messing with the


But neither auto nor latest change the result.

I’ve had and still got this problem only opens in chrome on OSX just installed 0.70.1 and still the same. any chance of a cause / solution ??

I recckon so. There’s an open ticket for it.