Cannot pass a url to media_player.play_media service

Hi there! I have tried for hours but can’t figure this one out…
I added a sensor that returns the following value for below state_attr. I know it works because I can test it in Developer Tools > Template. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!



When I try to add into this script, I get an error message.

  alias: Test
  - data:
      media_content_id: >
      media_content_type: music
    service: media_player.play_media

Error message:

2019-11-17 23:34:00 ERROR (SyncWorker_19) [homeassistant.components.sonos.media_player] Error on play_media with UPnP Error 714 received: Illegal MIME-Type from

When I change the state_attr to the URL above it works:

  alias: Test
  - data:
      media_content_id: ""
      media_content_type: music
    service: media_player.play_media

Try quotes around the template code?

I have tried single and double quotes around the template code, but that doesn’t work either. I keep getting the same error. I have also tried to put the template code in a systemlog.write service to see what comes out (with multiple variations), and it always looks like the original template code instead of the url. I’m wondering if template code is somehow disabled on scripts?

I figured it out. I had to use data_template: instead of data: … Simple enough but took me several hours to realize.

The UI script editor only uses the latter, so I had to add it manually in the scripts.yaml.


I am having the same problem… I’ve been trying to figure it out for days but nothing is working.

I have a sensor to scrape a page and return a url which is working:

   - platform: scrape
     name: podcast_the_daily
     select: 'enclosure:nth-of-type(1)'
     attribute: url
     scan_interval: 900

when I paste this into template:

 {{ states.sensor.podcast_the_daily.state }} 

it returns:

But when I put that sensor into a script, it won’t play.

  alias: Morning Podcast
  - service: media_player.play_media
     - media_player.livingroom
        media_content_id: >
          {{ states.sensor.podcast_the_daily.state }}
        media_content_type: audio/mp3

I’ve checked the logs but I am not getting any sort of error either which is odd. I’ve also tested it by just pasting the media URL directly in there to verify that it works. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

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Possibly due to the multiple redirects in the url?

Have you tried the gpodder custom integration?

I have not, but I will give that a try now! Thank you!

Try if passing the URL directly works. I had to change the content type to music before it would start playing (I have Sonos media players).