Cannot play Jellyfin audio in HA MMedia menu?


I have Jellyfin and Home Automation set up. I can select an audio device in Home assistant, click Browse media, and play a Jellyfin album, all good. But if i open the Media menu in Home Assistant, select Jellyfin, select an album, then choose an audio device (or group), and press play, it never works. Pretty much nothing happens. It does not matter what album I choose, or what device I choose.

Is there something I need to do to get that to work? Home Assistant is the latest version, running on HASIO on a Raspberry Pi.


I think I understand what is going on. The Home Automation integration with Jellyfin is not actually using Jellyfin features, it seems to be just using Jellyfin as an MP3 source. Most of my albums are not in a format that can be played directly on the devices, and Jellyfin handles this. But initiating the play action from Home Assistant Jellyfin integration does not request jellyfin to play it on the device, with transcoding. It is a pitty, I would like to have Home Automation triggers to play Jellyfin media on the audio devices.

I maybe having same issue.
Did you figure out how to make jellyfin play music through HA ?