Cannot reinstall hacs

I am running Home Assistant core in Docker
Today I wanted to add "vertical-stack-in-card " to hacs

Something went wrong apparently because HACS disappeared from the sidebar.
So I removed and reinstalled it following the instructions.
However it does not show in the sidebar.
Besides that in the folder .storage there are no hacs files

I am running Home Assistant 0.109.2

Anyone has a solution for this ?

Did you delete the integration and re-add it? Found at Configuration/Integrations. If there is a HACS item displayed, use the menu in the lower right corner of the box to delete it. Then the plus in the lower right corner of the screen to re-add it.

Do you have a backup of the HACS install files somewhere ? Current version of HACS only runs on 0.110.x

So it was not smart to upgrade HACS when running on 0109.2 ?
Then I think an option to upgrade should not be possible. I will try to restore from a previous installation.

EDIT : Release notes say : 0.110.0 is now the minimum required version of Home Assistant needed to run HACS. My fault
Would be nice to have this warning earlier.