You don’t want to use replace failed node. You want to use “remove dead node” which will only appear when you set the is_failed=true.
Looking at your screenshot, it appears as if the is_failed is set to false. And according to your post you only tried ‘remove node’. Can you confirm that you tried ‘remove dead node’?
Yeah, I took that screenshot after a restart, which set that back to false.
Yes I’ve tried both. I tried “replacing failed node” to start with as I have another multisensor I was trying to swap in to avoid needing to rename everything.
However, I also tried “remove failed node” as well as restarted. No luck.
In my logs, I tried doing it twice and here’s the output:
Ok, I finally solved this. Here’s what I did in hopes it helps someone else:
Let your ZWave network start and take note of the Node ID of the problematic node (mine was 44).
Stop the ZWave network by going into Configuration > Z-Wave and tap on “Stop network”
Edit your zwcfg_xxxx.xml file and search for id="44" where 44 is your node ID. Within that XML block, find the CommandClass subnode with name=COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP and delete the entire subnode. For example delete all these lines:
Start the Z-Wave network again, and select the node from the node drop down. This time you’ll see now the "Remove Failed Node button. Tap it and it should remove it. You can confirm by looking at the zwave log file (scroll to bottom of the ZWave config UI, and enter in say 50 or 100 for the lines, and tap on “Load”.
Now restart Home Assistant. You’ll see the node gone!