Cannot save automation about climate

I’d like create a automation to get a notify when my thermostat (Tado) is in the “heating” condition.
This is my automation script:

description: ""
mode: single
  - platform: device
    device_id: 38385fbdaa93482c2c1f02e4e5fade1d
    domain: climate
    entity_id: climate.termostato_camera_matrimoniale_homekit
    type: hvac_mode_changed
  - condition: state
    entity_id: climate.termostato_camera_matrimoniale_homekit
    attribute: hvac_action
    state: heating
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 0
  - device_id: 7d421df71b34c42cd4ed44fd957949b1
    domain: mobile_app
    type: notify
    message: ON
    title: TEST MESSAGE
alias: TEST

When try to save it I get this error:

Message malformed: required key not provided @ data[‘to’]

What is the problem?

Why not use the condition as the trigger.
And make sure you use a state trigger not device.