Cannot se stream quality of proxy camera

I have an FFMPEG camera using an RTSP stream:

- platform: ffmpeg
  name: security_camera
  input: -rtsp_transport tcp -i rtsp://securitypi.local:8554/unicast
  extra_arguments: >-
    -vf "hue=s=0, drawtext=fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf:text='%{localtime\:%Y-%m-%d %T}':[email protected]:x=10:y=10"

For clarity, the extra_arguments forces the image to B&W since it’s an IR camera and then overlays the current date and time. Removing this made no difference to the issue at hand.

I have defined this proxy camera based on the above config. The reason for creating this proxy camera is to that the original camera definition’s real-time stream won’t show the overlay. For some reason, the code takes a different path when streaming by not using the ffmpeg process, which means the overlay is only visible when taking snapshots but not when viewing the stream.

Now, for the main issue: I cannot set stream_quality.

- platform: proxy
  name: security_camera_proxy
  entity_id: camera.security_camera
  stream_quality: 90

Here’s the error in the log:

Dec 26 17:11:50 homeassistant hass[14516]:   File "/srv/homeassistant/lib/python3.9/site-packages/homeassistant/components/proxy/", line 106, in _resize_image
Dec 26 17:11:50 homeassistant hass[14516]:     if old_width <= new_width:
Dec 26 17:11:50 homeassistant hass[14516]: TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'int' and 'NoneType'

I have reported this as a bug, but in case there’s a workaround or another issue I’m missing, I’m also asking here:

Even setting the default value of 75 breaks. I’ve imagined that perhaps the docs are incorrect and tried to set a float value (e.g. 0.9 instead of 90).