Cannot see InfluxDB sensor

Hi everyone.
I’d like to populate a Home Assistnt sensor with data from an influx DB.
Here’s my configuration:

# import influxdb values as home assistant sensor
  api_version: 2
  port: 8086
  ssl: false
  organization: My Org...
  token: My Token...
  bucket: enviro_temp
    entity_globs: "*"
  - platform: influxdb
    api_version: 2
    ssl: false
    host: 192.168.02
    port: 8086
    token: My Token...
    organization: My Org
    bucket: enviro_temp
      - range_start: "-1d"
        name: "Enviro-Weather Temperature Test"
        query: >
          filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "temperature")
        value_template: "{{ value }}"
        unique_id: "sensor.enviro-weather.temperature-test"

I reload theconfiguration yaml a I got no errors but I cannot find “Enviro-Weather Temperature Test” in entity list.
What did I do wrong?

Hi David,

as your question is about populating sensor data from an influxdb to homeassistant, the first part of your config is irrelevant to this question. The influxdb block is to populate data from homeassistant to influxdb. I will assume this part is already working and you can find sensor data in your influxdb.

Regarding your second block the host is wrong: 192.168.02192.168.0.2

If it still is missing, what does your logging tell you?

Example error in System / Logs could be (Logger: homeassistant.components.influxdb.sensor, Integration: InfluxDB):

Could not execute query( ....

Also you’ll need not only to reload the yaml but restart homeassistant for these changes to take effect.