Cannot set phone to DND through companion app with command_dnd

Trying to put the phone on DND using below:

service: notify.mobile_app_nicks_s20
  message: "command_dnd"
  title: "total_silence"

However, nothing happens on my phone. I can confirm that this works fine:

service: notify.mobile_app_nicks_s20
  message: "Testing 123"
  title: "Just testing to see if message comes through which it does"

Following this guide:

Notification Commands | Home Assistant Companion Docs (

What can I do to troubleshoot?

wehn you first send that command you’ll ahve been shown a screen to grant permissions, until you grant the app that permission this command will not work. If you dont see that screen open the app and send it again so you can grant the permission

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Thanks! That worked fine! All good here now :slight_smile:

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