Cannot set scheduler helper, getting overlap error on new scheduler

I am trying to setup a schedule using the new schedule helper, having created one just to test a week ago, I am now trying to use it properly but I cannot create a new one without the following errors.

Overlapping times found in schedule for dictionary value @ data['monday']. 

After this it lists time stamps as below.

Got [{'from': '06:00', 'to': '08:00'}, {'from': '06:00', 'to': '08:00'}, {'from': '05:00', 'to': '07:00'}]

I had tried to set a schedule for multiple days but can only highlight one time slot at a time and even though I cleared any selected timeslots and just selected one, e.g. Monday 6am to 8am, its as if its remember I had previousley selected this and is detecting it as a duplicate.

I then removed this schedule and created a new one with a new name, called test and selected a random day/time (Wednesday, 1pm to 2pm) and saved it, it saved without issue but when I reopen it, it shows a blank schedule with no timeslot selected.

I did not file this as a bug report as maybe I am just doing something wrong or missing something on configuring a schedule.

Home Assistant 2022.9.4
Supervisor 2022.08.6
Operating System 9.0
Frontend 20220907.2 - latest

Running on generic x86-64.

There are at least two existing bug reports detailing problems with the UI’s inability to properly create/display a schedule (disappearing time periods while being composed, time is forced to half-hour increments, all time periods disappear on Sunday then re-appear on Monday, etc). You can wait for the UI bugs to be fixed or configure the schedule in YAML.

ok, cheers

Same problem for me, seems it happens on sundays.

Same problem, on sundays

Same bug here!

Here too! Works if I don’t touche Sunday, not if I try to set it up (actually worked the first time I created the schedule)