My new Pixel 7 will not connect to my HA server on HA Companion so I cannot set up entities and location tracking.
It will not stop spinning when on the ‘Select your Home Assistant server’ page.
( I have recently moved from duckdns & NGINX to NabuCasa, so gone from HTTP to HTTPS, but have tried both prefixes to no avail.)
Entering HTTPS://homeassistant.local:8123 (or IP longhand) comes back with
"Unable to connect to Home Assistant
The Home Assistant Hostname certificate mismatch, please review the home assistant certificate or the connection settings and try again"
This means nothing to me!
The HTTP versions return ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE which I assume is because its now HTTPS
Manually entering the Nabu Casa URL works on a single use basis.
Entering my HA server IP on a browser work fine.
So why, when I enter the exact same IP on the Companion App do I get the error message and how do I rectify it?
EDIT Solved when updated HA Core