I installed Homeassistant on. Raspberry Pi 3b using the disk image. I tried to use Putty to set a static ip. The connection was refused. I connected my Pi to a monitor. The prompt was Homeassistant, not Pi. It asked for a username and password. I am guessing the username is Homeassistant, but I have no idea of the PW. Is there anyway to login to my Pi?
SSH is not enabled by default.
You may want to start over and follow the intructions for setting up the network: https://www.home-assistant.io/getting-started/.
Here’s an example for setting a static IP: https://github.com/home-assistant/operating-system/blob/2c963fcd05e758c1399e22c9499ec38a05b63236/Documentation/network.md#static-ip
To enable SSH, you need to install the SSH add-on
The username is root and no password. You are logging into the HassOS host which is for debug.
I just ran into this problem. Root user does not have remote access. In putty, my login name was set to root. I changed to hassio, which I set in the SSH config when installing the add-on. I used the authentication keys
I had to use the SSH and web terminal from the community add-ons.
Interesting. The documentation for the official addon clearly states to use root and no password. Been banging my head against this for about 6 hours now. For the life of me I have no idea how I got it to work a couple of months ago, but I’m starting from scratch since the snapshot system seemed to snapshot little more than my addons and bloated db file. I was starting to wonder why I normally don’t have SSH problems.