Cannot start DHCP Server with the default configuration

I use the following default configuration:
“default_lease”: 86400,
“max_lease”: 172800,
“domain”: null,
“dns”: [
“networks”: [
“subnet”: “”,
“netmask”: “”,
“range_start”: “”,
“range_end”: “”,
“broadcast”: “”,
“gateway”: “”,
“interface”: “wlan0”
“hosts”: []

but when I try to save I get the following:

not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[‘options’]. Got {‘default_lease’: 86400, ‘max_lease’: 172800, ‘domain’: None, ‘dns’: [‘’, ‘’], ‘networks’: [{‘subnet’: ‘’, ‘netmask’: ‘’, ‘range_start’: ‘’, ‘range_end’: ‘’, ‘broadcast’: ‘’, ‘gateway’: ‘’, ‘interface’: ‘eth0’}], ‘hosts’: []}

Thus DHCP server never starts.

any ideas? what logs should I check to figure out the problem?

I’m not using the dhcp addon, but the docs say that a value for ‘domain’ is required.
Maybe that’s the problem.

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It was the domain missing after all thanks a lot