I’m just trying to follow the initial installation instructions for the mQTT addon. I have installed the addon, and started it.The second part of the instructions for configuration are -
Navigate in your Home Assistant frontend to Configuration -> Integrations .
Use the Add button and search for MQTT
Configure the Broker, Port, Username, Password and Submit.
When I go to Configuration** -> **Integrations there is already MQTT: Mosquito Broker under “Configured”, so I cannot use the Add button, it says you can only have one. So, I select the existing one and under the blue header it says “This integration has no devices”, there seems to be no way that I can see to configure it.In the system options button it just pops up another window that doesn’t allow me to do anything.
Next I tried configuring the /configuration.yaml and adding the MQTT configs in there
You use the integrations to configure or you use the configuration.yaml.
Indents are important in yaml
Everything below
Needs to be indented. So it knows that everything under is is for the mqtt. Right now is see the discovery as not being for that and thats why is telling you about discovery as a separate configuration option.
pay attention to things that are optional and what’s required in the docs.
When you setting things up start with what’s required first then once it’s up if you need to overwrite defaults you add the options.
Hi Thanks for the reply. I’ve edited the config and done the correct indentation, restarted hassio and now the log gives me a different message -
WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Data in your config entry is going to override your configuration.yaml: {'broker': 'core-mosquitto.local.hass.io', 'discovery': True, 'password': 'ain1go1Ohxu5xeoya1fooquee3utohb8phiL5vaiX8BoaJ7Saech7uaphishugh0', 'port': 1883, 'protocol': '3.1.1', 'username': 'homeassistant'}
I’m trying to follow what is in the docs as you say, but there are several docs out there for the installation of MQTT. I tried to stick to the main doc which is on the addon page and thats where I ran into trouble trying to configure it using the web browser - When I go to Configuration** -> **Integrations there is already MQTT: Mosquito Broker under “Configured”, so I cannot use the Add button, it says you can only have one. So, I select the existing one and under the blue header it says “This integration has no devices”, there seems to be no way that I can see to configure it.In the system options button it just pops up another window that doesn’t allow me to do anything.
So when I got stuck with the editing from the web interface I looked elsewhere.
Okay maybe i wasnt as clear before.
Comment out what you have in the configuration #configuration.
Remove the integration
Install , configure and start the add-on, check add-on log all ok.
Add integration
docs refer to what was before intergrations so if it in the intergrations list then you dont need to add it to your configuration.yaml. What’s showing in the intergrations is referring to your entry in the configuration.yaml.
Ok, I should have checked the dates on the various posts and github etc to see what came first. The part I seem to be having trouble with is actually doing the configuration in the web browser, I can’t see where to do it, thats why I went directly to the config file.
After I’ve restarted, I’ll install the addon again and show you a screenshot, hopefully you can’t point out what I’m missing.
I’ve got an error restarting, just checking the logs. must have done a bad edit, although the file looks fine. I just copied the one from /root/config and starting again.
I can’t do any more posts, the forum says I’ve used my maximum for the day as a new user, so hopefully you can see this edited post.
The problem is, those screenshots you posted, I can’t get those.
I never see the DISCOVERED part that you do
I don’t have any mqtt devices currently on the network. I was trying to setup the broker first, then just test with mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub
If I delete the settings I put in the config then it will just go back to the previous errors.
give me a minute, I’ll put some step by step screenshots so you can I what I see, and how its different to yours.
I also tried removing the integration as you suggested. After doing this, and restarting, MQTT was now listed in discovery and it allowed me to configure it. So I did, but it creates some sort of automatic config and does not allow me to enter the broker and username, like it does in your screenshots
edit - so some progress. rather than clicking on the discovered MQTT I used the ADD button, and now it shows me the configuration options
look remove the configuration.yaml entry
don’t go there unless you need to add a non discovering device like a MQTT FAN or some thing
start the MQTT broker addon
make sure its working
all you need to do is as i did before
now i don’t have a lot of MQTT devices as i moved them all over to esphome so the only ones i do have are Sonoff RFbridges
and one has already appeared