Cannot Trigger Envisalink Alarm

I have the Envisalink alarm integration up and running. Arm_stay, arm_away and disarm all funcitonal.
However, I cannot get the alarm_trigger service to work at all.
Any suggestions?

Can anyone help?

This is the code:

  alias: Trigger Alarm
  - data: {}
    service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_trigger


I had a similar problem with my DSC 1864. The service would fire but nothing would happen. I figured out that you need to enable option 2 under sequence 015 to make the panic alarm audible and not silent

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I dont think that is the cause… I can fire the Panic alarm from a Key FOB, and it is not silent…

Any other ideas ??

I have a similar issue.

Calling the alarm_trigger service triggers the alarm on the envisalink (see screenshots), but hass is then reporting it as immediately disarmed. So they are now out of sync

There’s no siren but I understand that to be an alarm configuration issue.

After disarming through the envisalink portal the keypad changed to ‘Ready’

Hi Masterchief,
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I dont think that is the problem in my case. I have logged into the EyezOn web and triggered the alarm from home assisstant, but nothing happens in the alarm system itself. I know the code is supposed to work fine, since its the same way I arm and disarm the system.
I have also tried triggering using the lovelace alarm panel, with no results.
Any other ideas??

Further to my question below, I have found that I can briefly set the alarm state to ‘triggered’ by setting the state of the alarm panel, in the way shown below. However, the alarm disarms immediately afterwards by itself… Any ideas?


Actually, NVM my post above. That only changed the variable in HA, but did not change the Envisalink alarm (i.e. the alarm was not triggered in Envisalink).

Out of ideas now…

DSC 1864 here, enabling sequence 15 option 2 worked for me.

I have the Envisalink integration up and running (EVL3 and DSC 1864). Today I tried to create an automation that uses one of my zigbee sensors to trigger an alarm. I used the service alarm_trigger.

When triggering the zigbee sensor Envisalink and DSC reports a “Keypad [P]anic Alarm”. Has anyone managed to configure the alarm or home assistant to trigger a motion or opening instead?

Same issue here, you ever figure this out?

Figured out how to get this to work, at least on a Honeywell Vista 20P with an EVL4. When you have the Envisalink config in HA set to panic_type = Police, this actually maps to zone 96 on a Honeywell panel. Make sure that you have set up Zone 96 as it is likely disabled by default.

Alternatively, you can set panic_type to Fire which maps to zone 95, or Ambulance which maps to zone 99 if you want to use those zone numbers instead.

Quick video that show how to program zones 95, 96 and 99

Once you do that, you can call it from a service like this and the alarm should trigger:

service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_trigger
  entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarm
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Hi, for those that need help to “enable option 2 under sequence 015” see the following DSC Power Series PC1616, PC1832, PC1864 Quickstart this worked for me.

Thanks for this. Worked for me.

Thank you!!!