Cannot turn on LG webOS Smart TV

Thanks. I completely forgot about that. =)


Does this still work for anyone?
I am pretty sure I’ve enabled everything in the tv, but it still won’t work. I am hardwired ethernet though. Not sure if that matters.

works fine on my LG OLED 65E6V.
only hardwired. try revoking all rights on your tv and re-pair it with HA afterwards (I guess you need to delete the token in the config folder as well).

edit: did you also enable wol in your configuration.yaml?:

#enable wake on lan
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It works great on my 2018 LG OLED TV. I’m able to turn on the TV using the TV’s wireless connection and WOL. Are you using the correct MAC address of your wired (not wireless) connection? Make sure you follow the instructions, specifically this section:

Common for webOS 3.0 and higher would be to use WakeOnLan feature. To use this feature your TV should be connected to your network via Ethernet rather than Wireless and you should enable LG Connect Apps feature in Network settings of the TVinstructions (or Mobile App in General settings for older models) (*may vary by version).

On newer models (2017+), WakeOnLan may need to be enabled in the TV settings by going to Settings > General > Mobile TV On > Turn On Via WiFi instructions.

It was the WOL in the configuration.yaml.
I completely missed that it was required.

Thanks a bunch!

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I had the same problem. I had two switches with wol that didn’t require this setting in the configuration.yaml so thats why I mentioned it :blush:

I’m using:
Dont forget to use “255” on the end of broadcast_address

  host: 192.xx.xx.209
  name: Living Room TV
    service: wake_on_lan.send_magic_packet
      mac: 64:xx:xx:xx:xx:C1
      broadcast_address: 192.x.x.255
      broadcast_port: 9

2020-07-07 14:57:12 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Error during setup of component webostv
do not start webostv

Have you configured the MAC address of the wireless LAN NIC or the wired one?

@jure.mav Thank you. That resolved my issue of one of my TV’s not being able to turn on where the other one was working fine. I was using their own IP addresses in the broadcast_address field.

So I changed the last part to 255 for the one that couldn’t be turned on and I can now turn it on.

Thanks again.

The mac is realated to wich device?

claudiosala80: It’s your TV’s mac address
(so that the the network card in TV knows the packet is for it)

Thanks! Solved!

I have the same problem. but the first 2 characters of the mac adress are blue. can that be an isseu?

removed the broadcast_address and port and started to work for me…

Are all of you running this in HASS OS? I am running this in Docker, and even if I enable to wake_on_lan in the configuration.yaml, it still doesn’t work when the TV is off. I am connected via ethernet…

I have this same problem. If I use the remote and turn the tv on, then HA can control the TV, but if its off there is no way to turn it on.

Same problem here. LGwebOS tv is added by the UI integration. Can’t turn the TV on from HA

This may be of use: Reddit - Dive into anything

TLDR: Check if Quick Start+ is enabled, if so this stops WOL from working properly, I was having issues and turned off quick start and voila, it started working with HA the way it should.

In case anyone is still looking this up, please go to this link.
This blueprint released in 2022 for WebOS Smart TV - Turn on for HA solved it for me. make sure to configure the Blueprint after its imported.