Cannot Update Conbee II Zigbee USB Stick


when invoking the update script everything seems fine at first but the update fails due to a udev error message.

Follow Command:
# docker run -it --rm --entrypoint "/" --privileged --cap-add=ALL -v /dev/serial/by-id/usb-dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH_ConBee_II_DE2471019-if00:/dev/ttyACM0 -v /lib/modules:/lib/modules -v /sys:/sys deconzcommunity/deconz

So it run’s until the scripts tries to flash the firmware and it always displaysm with every attameot the message:

sh: 1: udevadm: not found

After 60 Seconds and several attempts to flash the firmware it gives just up.

Anyboda any hint?


You stopped HA, and Deconz/Zigbee2MQTT ? If they are using the stick, the upgrade program can’t use it.


not HA, only Deconz/Zigbee2MQTT. shall I try to stop the HA too? In the guidance it was only spoken about stopping the deCONZ add-on.

Stopping HA is only necessary if running ZHA

Morning. Just tried it, but with not with the desired outcome unfortunatly. The error message stays the same.

I follow this article here but I logged in root via the dev console (ssh -p 22222 "user@hostname). I do not have access to docker during the normal ssh access as opposed as describbed in that artice here:

This actually is the output when I try to update and after several attempts it just gives up…

sh: 1: udevadm: not found
flash firmware
command reset timeout
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader failed
retry: 38 seconds left
read file success: /tmp/deCONZ/firmware/deCONZ_RaspBeeII_0x26780700.bin.GCF (163244 bytes)
sh: 1: udevadm: not found
sh: 1: udevadm: not found
flash firmware
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader id V3
query bootloader failed
retry: 36 seconds left
read file success: /tmp/deCONZ/firmware/deCONZ_RaspBeeII_0x26780700.bin.GCF (163244 bytes)
sh: 1: udevadm: not found
sh: 1: udevadm: not found
flash firmware
command UART reset done

I know this article, I maybe know them all;). Tried that already, isn’t working at all for many reasons. As said, I have a RASPi HA env with docker. Have no package manager, no install toolkit, no docker command within the standard env ect…
Not possible that way.

Solved it. I unpluggged the usb stick from my HA and plugged it into my Fedore Laptop and flashed the firmware