Canot use template to set utility meter tariff

Trying to do something very simple, set the tariff on a utility_meter within an automation, but is will not accept a data_template key within the automation.

- id: daily_tariff_updater
  alias: "Update Tariffs on Daily Utility Meters"
  initial_state: true
    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.electricity_time
  - service: utility_meter.select_tariff
        - utility_meter.daily_solar
        - utility_meter.daily_powerwall
        - utility_meter.daily_home
      tariff: >
        {% if states.sensor.electricity_time.state == "Peak" %}
        {% elif states.sensor.electricity_time.state == "Off Peak" %}
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}      

I’ve seen an example of this on the forum of this apparently working, but it just throws an error every time

Failed to call service utility_meter/select_tariff. extra keys not allowed @ data['data_template']

so, why can’t I use a data_template key in this instance ?

Because you are running version 0.115 (or later) of home assistant?

This introduced no longer requiring the use of data_template, just data is all that is needed.

Also rejected just data: template as well, (I’m on 0.117.4), however I did a hard (host) restart and it’s now working…, very odd…