Can't acces frontend from 2.4G wifi devices (from 5G i can)

Hi there!

I’m having a really strange problem. In an easy way:

Accesing Hassio frontend from android devices connected to the 2.4GHz wifi:
Internet (Youtube, facebook, whatsapp, google, telegram, everything): Works
Hassio frontend: Doesn’t work (still loading some time until says: Unable to connect…RETRY).

Accesing Hassio frontend from android devices connected to the 5GHz wifi: (same router)
Internet (Youtube, facebook, whatsapp, google, telegram, everything): Works
Hassio frontend: Works.

And connecting from PCs on LAN Works too.

Tried diferents android devices. Restarted router several times. Updated hassio version from 0.86.0 to 0.86.3, the problem persists.

I’m using SSL and DuckDNS.

I can’t understand that xD Everything works fine connected to 5G wifi, and connected to a 2.4G wifi everything works fine less Hassio FrontEnd. How is this possible?

RPI is connected with ethernet cable.

Any idea?

I don’t this really has anything to do with whether its 2.4 or 5Ghz but rather to do with your network settings.

I assume that these are two different SSID’s you’re connecting to, so I make sure that the IP information (DNS, DGW, subnet mask, etc) are the same on both networks.

If its all the same, I would also check how much traffic your 2.4G network is getting. Most devices (IoTs don’t support 5Ghz, so you might be getting a lot of device traffic.

Your are right, i have two diferent SSID names, for 2.4 and 5 (time ago was the same name). I tried tou put same name, but does not work.

IP information are the same, i think so.

This is my current traffic on 2.4G:

Is that to much? i don’t know. Anyways tomorrow i will disconnect some devices and try again (is to late for me now i’m going to sleep :stuck_out_tongue:).

I turned on an option that says: Turn on secondary 2.4g wifi (wtf?), i connected to that third wifi but still no luck.

Tomorrow i will try to disconnect some devices, but i don’t think that is the problem, in this case other apps like youtube will have problems too, right?

Tomorrow i tell you something. Thanks

Make sure the 2.4GHz Wifi does not operate in some sort of guest mode. Guest wifis usually allow clients to browse the web without any issues, but prohibit connections to internal devices. There also could be a filter enabled on the network if it’s not a guest mode. At least my router allows me to specify to which types or targets (web, email etc.) clients are allowed to connect. So like a guest wifis without that being separate from the regular wifi.


No, don’t make the the SSID names the same. What I was suggesting is that perhaps the network settings for the two networks are somehow different. Maybe the 5Ghz network is setup to only give access to the internet, but not to other PCs on the same network. This is a common setting on many home routers, so I would check there as well

I have new information at the bottom.

Make sure the 2.4GHz Wifi does not operate in some sort of guest mode. Guest wifis usually allow clients to browse the web without any issues, but prohibit connections to internal devices. There also could be a filter enabled on the network if it’s not a guest mode. At least my router allows me to specify to which types or targets (web, email etc.) clients are allowed to connect. So like a guest wifis without that being separate from the regular wifi.

I have a guest mode, but its turned off. if i turn it on, its a separated SSID,. But it’s not the case.
I check the Firewall segurity level where i have 3 default states, Hight, medium and low. I tried all 3 and nothing. There is another state, personalized. Inside i have this:

I think its ok for what i need, but it does not work either :sa:

No, don’t make the the SSID names the same. What I was suggesting is that perhaps the network settings for the two networks are somehow different. Maybe the 5Ghz network is setup to only give access to the internet, but not to other PCs on the same network. This is a common setting on many home routers, so I would check there as well

I did that just to try something.
Marked in bold of your message, this is interesting. I did a test, i turned off the ethernet from my computer and i connected to both wifi (2.4g and 5g). And i check 3 things:

Connected to 5G:
Hassio Frontend: OK
\\hassio: OK
Accesing to My Computer > Networks: I can see other PCs from my network.

Connected to 2.4G:
Hassio Frontend: Don’t load (like in phones)
\\hassio: Error, can't find.
Accesing to My Computer > Networks: Can’t find, empty.

So yes, 2.4G wifi don’t let me see others PCs connected to network… I check every option on my router and didn’t see nothing about this topic… I will check again focusing on that.

If you know where i must check, tell me xD

Thanks for the help guys, we know where is the problem, lets see how to solve it.

EDIT. If it helps, 2.4G is on 802.11bgn and 5G is 802.11ac.
EDIT 2: Ok, the option i’m looking for is AP Isolation, no luck for now…

EDIT3: Called to my FTTH company and says that option is turned ON yes, but its not configurable for the user… Now I understand why i did not find the option… They will try to configure this option exclusively for my router remotely… let’s see if that is true. If not i think i will need to buy another router. While waiting, if you have any router recomendation i will be glad to hear it. I have FTTH 1GB symmetric.

You can just buy a cheap access point in that case, but another router would be best

While deciding which router to buy, I will buy a cheap AP.