Can't access API in HA

I’m trying to configure API access to home assistant. But I’m getting 403 forbidden all the time. What I did:

  1. Added “api:” to configuration.yaml - not sure if this is enough, and documentation is kinda vague.
  2. Generated long-lived access token in Profile/Security.
  3. Executed on machine running HA following command:

curl -H “Authorozation: Bearer eyJh…” -H “Content-Type: application/json” http://localhost:8123/api/

And the result is constantly 403.
I’ve checked ip_bans.yaml but my IP is not blocked.
What I’m missing?

Is that a c/p monster?
Should be Authorization

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Yes, it was a typo that I fixed but it didn’t help. But today I restated HA and API is working. :person_shrugging: