Can't Access HA Locally or Remotely After DuckDNS Attempt

Hey All! Looking for some help as I’ve search others topics and none have solved my issue. I has HA installed on Raspberry Pi 4 and everything was working great on mobile app (android) and Windows. Then I tried following the instructions in the link below to access HA remotely through duckDNS and now I can’t even access it locally. I can only access the CLI and I have no clue what I’m doing in there. Its still running all of my automations but I can’t access the UI anymore to edit things.

How do I get back to accessing my HA? I will setup a test server to test out any changes in the future so i don’t “lock” myself out again.

duck DNS instruction I followed before things fell apart:

What I’ve tried:

  • (Windows) Typing in the Home Assistant URL http://homeassistant.local:8123 and get back “ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE”. I can get into the Observer with 4357.
  • (Windows) Since I changed to statis IPv4 I tried entering that in the URL and get the same empty response. A bunch of different combinations based on other forum questions and no dice.
  • (Android App) Tried similar changes by updating the Home Assistant URL and it’s unable to connect.

I’m sure its either a setting I changed for duckDNS and/or pasting in below into the config yaml.
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

Any help is greatly appreciated. Please keep in mind I am new to this so anything I need to enter into the CLI please be as specific as possible as to what exactly I’m typing. Thanks!!!


i can maybe help you, what happens if u type HTTPS instead of HTTP:


when i check the duckdns addon in HASS this are my settings:

  - **************
token: e1de**********-***********-***********
aliases: []
  accept_terms: true
  algo: secp384r1
  certfile: fullchain.pem
  keyfile: privkey.pem
seconds: 300

Here are some steps to check:

1. Check DuckDNS Configuration:

Ensure that the DuckDNS configuration in your configuration.yaml file is correct. It should look something like this:

  token: your-duckdns-token

2. Check HTTP Configuration:

Check the HTTP configuration in your configuration.yaml. If you are using SSL (which seems to be the case based on the provided configuration), it should look like this:

  ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
  ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

3. Ensure Port Forwarding:

Make sure that your router is correctly configured to forward external traffic to your Raspberry Pi’s local IP address on ports 80 and 443. Double-check these settings in your router configuration.

4. Check SSL Certificates:

Make sure that the SSL certificates (fullchain.pem and privkey.pem) are present in the specified locations (/ssl/) and that they are correctly generated. If they are missing or incorrect, you might encounter connection issues.

5. Access Locally via IP:

Try accessing Home Assistant locally using the local IP address of your Raspberry Pi. For example, try http://192.168.x.x:8123 in your browser. If this works, it indicates a possible issue with DNS or port forwarding.

6. Check Firewall Settings:

Ensure that there are no firewall settings blocking access. Check the firewall settings on both your Raspberry Pi and your router.

7. Restart Home Assistant:

Restart Home Assistant to apply any changes you’ve made to the configuration. You can do this via the Home Assistant CLI or by restarting the Raspberry Pi.

8. Review Logs:

Check the Home Assistant logs for any errors or warnings. The logs can provide valuable information about what might be going wrong. You can access the logs via the Home Assistant CLI.

9. Test External Access:

Once the local access is restored, try accessing Home Assistant externally using your DuckDNS domain. This will help ensure that external access is working as expected.

10. Configuration Check:

Use the Home Assistant configuration check service to ensure there are no syntax errors or configuration issues. You can find this option in the Home Assistant Supervisor.

Following these steps should help you identify and resolve the issue. If the problem persists, checking the Home Assistant community forums or the official documentation might provide additional insights.

Thank you I am back in! I undid the mess I started. I’ll wait till I have a rasberry pi to test on before I try this again.

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No need to wait or undo anything. Follow this video and you’ll be all set.

Yes but @exx Duckdns has been down alot lately, and it requires you to port forward which is not completely safe either. I am not saying this is any safer (as I am not a security expert), but here is a way of doing it free and also not doing any port forwarding - and you can use this cloudflare post-quantum tunnel to also access other services through the same free tunnel!

Since this topic was specifically about duckdns, I fail to see the relevance of whatever it is you’re peddling.

Further, I’ve been using duckdns for years, and have never ONCE had an issue. You’ll forgive me for not taking the word of someone who doesn’t even use it.

Not to mention you need to make up your mind. Either you’re qualified to say what’s safe and what is not, or you’re not a security expert. Can’t have it both ways…

I’m glad i could help :slight_smile:

@exx I just wanted to let you know that people are usually still able to determine what is safe and what is not safe without being a certified expert on every aspect of security. If you don’t like people ever mentioning any alternatives, than state that in your request for help, that you only tolerate answers to your direct request and nothing else. Obviously you made a wrong assumption and didn’t know that I did use DuckDNS for about a year and a half until recently, as they started having some outages, and just because you didn’t experience them doesn’t mean they didn’t happen. I am NOT glad I helped mentioning an alternative - learn how to not bash people when they make an effort to help - and no snarky reply required, because as I said, that is more useless nasty bashing. Have a nice day.

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