Can't access HA via IP after install

That’s easy. You didn’t say what the thin client is, but assuming it is an x-86 PC, and you want it to only be your Home Assistant server, this is the very best installation and easiest method, IMHO.

This is HAOS on bare-metal . No configuring containers. No virtual stuff. (IMHO containers and virtualization only add a level of complexity that you do not need in a dedicated host). (Flames to follow). (Purists: yes, I know that HAOS is a container, but the user never needs to mess with the container configuration, which is why I never mention it).

If your x-86 PC meets the basic requirements that almost any PC built in the past ten years does: 64-bit and UEFI BIOS, all you need to do is write HAOS onto your x86-64 hardware. Boot, Done.

if you read his posts, you know that is what he has done. But the homeassistant container did not start for some reason.

No, he has indicated that he installed Home Assistant in a virtual box on his desktop. If he followed the same guide to install Home Assistant on his thin client, then he is still in a virtual box. Not bare-metal.

Reading is difficult

Thanks. So i tried that and got a “Error: Unknown error, see supervisor” message

What does

ha supervisor logs


@templeowls - Don’t let our bickering about the best way to install Home Assistant bother you. There are at least a dozen ways to get Home Assistant running, but I am a strong proponent of the KISS principal. If you are planning that the thin client will only run Home Assistant, then HAOS on Bare Metal is the fastest and easiest solution. If you plan to run any other programs on the thin client that aren’t available as an add-on or custom integration in Home Assistant, then a container or virtualization is in your future. Best yet, if in the future you decide that you need containerization (like a failsafe rollover), you just make a backup, reinstall everything in containers then do a restore. You aren’t committed either way.

I am still wondering what thin client you are using.

there is one error line “2024-08-17 13:12:37.445 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.core] Home Assistant has crashed!”

I appreciate your help man, but you’re talking way too far into the weeds.

I’m running a Wyse 5070. I installed HAOS via Ubuntu on a flash drive. It was successful. I have an IPv4 listed. But i cannot access it via desktop. That is my core issue. You’re talking about add-ons, and other devices and meanwhile, I can’t even get into HA UI. Please help me get to that first lol

It is still unclear (at least to me) if you installed bare metal or virtualization.
What is the boot device? eMMC or m.2 SSD?
Do you boot into Windows then run the Home Assistant container, or do you boot into HAOS?

Boot directly to HAOS on SSD. Again, installed via Ubuntu

Was it not clear that he’s running HAOS (as he’s also stating in the post above this one)

or not?

That part from the VM is another setup that he did on his desktop before this one.

Now we are zeroing on a process to a solution.
From your laptop:
Can you ping
Can you ping homeassistant.local?

ping /4
ping homeassistant.local /4

The /4 simply forces the ping to use IP4. If your laptop is a PC it might default to IP6 which is human unreadable.

Do you know the MAC address of the Dell?

Again, I really appreciate your help but you aren’t reading my comments. I said this morning that I can successfully ping both from my desktop and laptop and I attached a screenshot of the ping

And yes I have the MAC address for the thin client

If the instance is fresh I would try a re-install see if that helps anything.

Gotcha. I’ll give that a try. I did 12.4 OS. Would you suggest I do a different one?

You didn’t confirm that you are using the right protocol in your browser though.
Have you visited your previous HA from both computers before?
Did you clear your cache?
Did you reboot your thin client?

As @fleskefjes suggest: try again from the start and I would say 12.4 but maybe someone else has a better idea

So for my laptop, I’ve never visited the previous one and it still didn’t work. I did clear my cache though on my desktop. Didn’t work

Yes I rebooted it several times

I’ll try to reinstall 12.4 when I get home

Thank you!!

Please use complete sentences. It is likely why it seems that I am asking the same questions- for clarification. I’m not sure what you said here. Are you saying that you never connected to Home Assistant on the desktop using the laptop? Please clarify the double-negative: “never visited” and “didn’t work”.

You may want to try a reinstall of Home Assistant on the Dell. Download a fresh Home Assistant image. Also, if you did not get Balena Etcher directly from Balena, it could be a fake one. If you see ads, it is definitely a fake one.

Have you tried rebooting the host: ha host reboot?

Stephen, he was answering me.
The reason why I asked this: he was running HA previously as a virtual machine but wiped that setup.
Since I suggested to try from different clients, I wanted to know if he had used those to access his old setup in case his browser had cached that.
He tried both desktop & laptop to try to reach his newly installed HA.