I live in the EU, and I think it might be related to the change to summer time (where we set our clocks 1 hour ahead) - either that or it just coincided with my issue. Ever since we changed to summer time, I can’t access hassio. It happened out of nowhere, I didn’t update hassio and I wasn’t making any changes to my config.
I’ve tried accessing using these two which always used to work:
I’ve also tried:
\hassio\config in file explorer (samba share)
Nothing seems to work.
But when I sign in on my router, I can see hassio is connected! And when I connect a monitor to my pi, it shows the home assistant logo.
I’ve been searching the forums for help but I can’t seem to find anything. So far I’ve just been frantically rebooting my pi because I’m not sure what else to do since I can’t access it. Any tips, help or recommendations are much appreciated, because I don’t know what to do. Is there any way I can get some log files?
If you’re seeing the logo you are on the deprecated ResinOS base and not the HassOS base
If you have the ssh addon installed you can access the console and check your logs. But it might be a good time to reflash with the newer OS base and restore from snapshot. More secure, better speed, and better compatibility as Hassio moves forward.
I have only installed Samba so that I could access the files by going to \hassio\config in my file explorer, so I guess I don’t have ssh access? Seems very dumb in hindsight, now that I won’t be able to access logs… Is there any way I can restore my config/views/groups/automations? I’m unsure how I can access my snapshots now that I can’t really connect.