Can't access HassOS gui after update

Hi, so I tried restoring yesterday but I’ve run into the same issue. Here are the steps I took: I formatted the MicroSD, then used etcher to install the latest HassOS for my RPi3. Once that was done I plugged it in. It went through it’s setup and then presented me with the screen to add your first user or restore from a snapshot. I chose to restore from snapshot and it took forever on the next screen with the little progress circle. Today, a full day later, I’m getting the same error if I try and access homeassistant.local:8123, namely: “homeassistant.local didn’t send any data.”

Now, this snapshot is from a week before things went wonky in the first place so, I would think that, everything should be fine with it.

Is this maybe pointing to a hardware issue on the Pi? (or the Conbee II stick, the only other thing I have on there).

On a Raspberry Pi be very weiry of writes to the sd card… I had an sd faling cause of log files being written to it… If running RPI, better to boot from an usb or ssd to usb…

I’ve started using a nuc ipv a rpi… it’s a lot faster…

I’m facing the same issue, but after a reboot, not an upgrade. Everything appears to be running but http://homeassistant.local:8123/ returns an empty response.
I’m running virtual box on MacOS. I can login to the image and there’s no obvious issues. From cli, I login to the host shell and then connect to the homeassistant docker container. On there, ps shows python homeassistant running, ifconfig shows correct IP address and netstat shows something listening on port 8123. I even tried curl http://localhost:8123 on the container - it too returned ‘Empty reply from server’.

Any pointers on how to debug the webserver or any thoughts on how to proceed?

The system is up and running (just not accessible) so it would seem to be a very specific type of error on the SD card (I thought when they failed they failed completely) but, that said, I appreciate the advice and will probably do that for the next iteration no matter the results of this issue. For now I’ll try restoring to an attached USB to see if that helps.

Not sure if this helps someone in the future but: I’m redoing everything to boot from a USB flash drive. There are probably simpler ways but I started with a fresh Raspberry Pi OS install and am updating the /boot/config.txt file. What I noticed was that I have full access to the gui of the Raspberry Pi OS (via an attached monitor - so not quite the same as accessing it through a browser but I thought it might be worth mentioning).

Hi Alex … I ran into the same problem as you. Can you share the procedure to do the fresh install with a boot from USB ?

Cannot comment on fresh install from USB, but I lost my web interface (and upon inspection my IPV4 address) few days ago.

I connected the hdmi and a keyboard and to find this info I used:

ha network show

network reload did not help. In the end I just did a host reboot:

ha host reboot

the only thing that annoys me is that this interface is in qwerty, not azerty which I’m used to…

Hi folks, sorry I’ve been meaning to come back and update here for a couple of weeks.

Turns out using a 64bit install of HA was the issue (I’m 99% certain). Every time I did a fresh install it seemed to hold steady until I tried to restore from a snapshot and that ties in with what I’d been reading about certain integrations not liking 64bit (which integration was the issue I couldn’t tell you). Anyway, I decided to start from scratch on a 32bit install and it hasn’t had an issue in weeks.

Definitely add that to your list of things to try if you’re in a similar situation.

@Bruce_Lee there are probably a few different ways to do this. Basically it’s a setting on the memory of the pi itself (not the sd card) so I accessed it by doing an install of RPiOS on another sd card and then booting from a usb with HA on it. See here: