Can't access my HA from outside

Everything was running smoothly until the recent update (0.3.8 i guess)
HA is set without any encryption. Just a built-in password.
As a router i have a sophos where i have set up a web server passthrough (something like a proxy).
The only oprions i am given in it (Disable compression support, Rewrite HTML, Pass host header, Disable backend connection pooling) All unchecked except for connection pooling. After the update i am no longer able to connect from outside. I am presented with an HA enter password screen and after som time it says Connection failed (all on an HA screen)

Did you try a different browser / clearing you cache?


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So much work was done on the front end in .38.x that clearing the cache should almost have been mentioned as a breaking change. I’d agree that this would be a starting point.

Will try that. Only tried to access it via the phone

No luck. Cleaned the cache, history and everything. Entered the HA address. Got the login prompt with HA logo. Entered the password. Some time spinning and above the password a thin line of text stating - unable to connect

Anything showing in your error logs? I’m assuming that you’ve set up your router to port forward 8123 for TCP/UDP to the IP address where your HA server is, but is that the case?

Well almost. It’s more like a proxy than a port forwarding.
Strangely enough on the firewall i see the following… 400 bad request
Once again the main thing - that everything was running smoothly on 0.36… Wonder what have changed

2017:02:19-22:11:19 home reverseproxy: id="0299" srcip="xxx.87.154.134" localip="zzz.36.60.118" size="66" user="-" host="xxx.87.154.134" method="GET" statuscode="400" reason="-" extra="-" exceptions="-" time="24555" url="/api/websocket" server="" referer="-" cookie="-" set-cookie="-"
2017:02:19-22:11:43 home reverseproxy: id="0299" srcip="xxx.87.154.134" localip="zzz.36.60.118" size="0" user="-" host="xxx.87.154.134" method="-" statuscode="408" reason="-" extra="-" exceptions="-" time="13" url="-" server="" referer="-" cookie="-" set-cookie="-"

And if i go to i get the lines below - that means the proxy is working out correctly. Tomorrow will try to disable iframes and camera pics which are in HA config and pointing to intranet addresses. Can this be an issue?

No WebSocket UPGRADE hdr: None
 Can "Upgrade" only to "WebSocket".

Sorry, I don’t really have any experience using proxies on the Pi.

Well it’s not on Pi. It’s a sophos VM running on top of ESXi. It’s great and free for home use (advertising mode off).

So that means that after all the updates nobody is experiencing any issues?

You may want to try searching in the issues section in the HA Github repo. Someone may have reported the issue there.

Sophos UTM and XG both do not support websockets. You will have to do a straight proxy for this to work. It doesn’t seem like (for some crazy insane reason) that Sophos has plans for adding Web Proxy support in the future.

Source: I have the same woes.

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Pityfully everything was working before HA switched to websockets.
Well than the only option is to utilize port passthrough. Don’t see any alternative to Sophos at this point

If you have an always on computer, have a look at Chrome remote desktop. You can get remote access to that computer and bring up HA behind your router. No opening of ports or complicated setups. There are both iOS and Android apps.