I have an Public IP, and my router is configured to route the packages to my HA instance. But when I try to connect using iOS app and/or Browser, show:
MY_IP refused to connect.
I’m wondering if the HA instance is blocking something from outside, so, if yes… how can I open it?
Hi @MaxK , thanks for your reply, I read the document, but I’m afraid there’s nothing to my case there… I have an public IP and I’m not using Casa Cloud, and I’m trying to access like this:
and doesn’t work… it seams the image is not open to receive internet packages
The only way to access from the internet is using Casa Cloud or DuckDNS ?
@Nick4 Yes, using my computer I can access HA without a problem, even If I connect my iphone using my local ip, I can connect… my problem is using the public IP.
After you said about loop I investigated and the problem was on several loops on my ISP… which may cause timeout… I contacted the ISP provider and now works like charm.