I am running HAOS on raspberry pi 4 2Gb.
I can’t access the supervisor panel. Going to configuration add-ons, backups and supervisors results in a blank page.
but waiting for some time result in this screen
and further waiting
and trying to access
Trying to access supervisor logs from ssh results in following
➜ ~ ha supervisor logs
Get "http://supervisor/supervisor/logs": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
ha supervisor info
➜ ~ ha supervisor info
- description: Expose Home Assistant folders with SMB/CIFS
icon: true
logo: true
name: Samba share
repository: core
slug: core_samba
state: started
update_available: false
version: 9.5.1
version_latest: 9.5.1
- description: Simple browser-based file editor for Home Assistant
icon: true
logo: true
name: File editor
repository: core
slug: core_configurator
state: started
update_available: false
version: 5.3.3
version_latest: 5.3.3
- description: Automatically manage backups between Home Assistant and Google Dr ive
icon: true
logo: true
name: Home Assistant Google Drive Backup
repository: cebe7a76
slug: cebe7a76_hassio_google_drive_backup
state: started
update_available: false
version: 0.106.2
version_latest: 0.106.2
- description: Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
icon: false
logo: false
name: InfluxDB
repository: a0d7b954
slug: a0d7b954_influxdb
state: started
update_available: false
version: 4.4.1
version_latest: 4.4.1
- description: The open platform for beautiful analytics and monitoring
icon: false
logo: false
name: Grafana
repository: a0d7b954
slug: a0d7b954_grafana
state: started
update_available: false
version: 7.5.2
version_latest: 7.5.2
- description: A cross-platform system monitoring tool
icon: false
logo: false
name: Glances
repository: a0d7b954
slug: a0d7b954_glances
state: started
update_available: false
version: 0.15.0
version_latest: 0.15.0
- description: Radically simplify your network with a virtual networking layer t hat
works the same everywhere
icon: false
logo: false
name: ZeroTier One
repository: a0d7b954
slug: a0d7b954_zerotier
state: started
update_available: false
version: 0.13.2
version_latest: 0.13.2
- description: SSH & Web Terminal access to your Home Assistant instance
icon: false
logo: false
name: SSH & Web Terminal
repository: a0d7b954
slug: a0d7b954_ssh
state: started
update_available: false
version: 10.1.1
version_latest: 10.1.1
- description: Check your Home Assistant configuration against other versions
icon: true
logo: true
name: Check Home Assistant configuration
repository: core
slug: core_check_config
state: stopped
update_available: false
version: 3.10.0
version_latest: 3.10.0
- description: Scan for HDMI CEC devices
icon: true
logo: true
name: CEC Scanner
repository: core
slug: core_cec_scan
state: stopped
update_available: false
version: "3.0"
version_latest: "3.0"
- description: Browser-based log utility for Home Assistant
icon: false
logo: false
name: Log Viewer
repository: a0d7b954
slug: a0d7b954_logviewer
state: started
update_available: false
version: 0.13.0
version_latest: 0.13.0
- description: A SQL database server
icon: true
logo: true
name: MariaDB
repository: core
slug: core_mariadb
state: started
update_available: false
version: 2.4.0
version_latest: 2.4.0
- description: Secure remote access without public IP or configuring NAT. Accoun t
registration required.
icon: true
logo: true
name: Webhook Relay - Remote Access
repository: e680ed44
slug: e680ed44_webhookrelay
state: stopped
update_available: false
version: 2.4.3
version_latest: 2.4.3
- description: A zero config VPN
icon: true
logo: true
name: Tailscale
repository: 948e3081
slug: 948e3081_tailscale
state: stopped
update_available: false
- description: Network-wide ads & trackers blocking DNS server
icon: false
logo: false
name: AdGuard Home
repository: a0d7b954
slug: a0d7b954_adguard
state: started
update_available: false
version: 4.5.0
version_latest: 4.5.0
- description: Create backups and store them on a Samba share
icon: true
logo: false
name: Samba Backup
repository: 15d21743
slug: 15d21743_samba_backup
state: started
update_available: false
version: 5.0.0
version_latest: 5.0.0
- description: Dump1090 based feeder for FlightRadar24, FlightAware and more
icon: true
logo: false
name: ADS-B Multi-Portal Feeder
repository: f1c878cb
slug: f1c878cb_adsb-multi-portal-feeder
state: started
update_available: false
version: 1.0.3
version_latest: 1.0.3
- description: Zero config VPN for building secure networks
icon: false
logo: false
name: Tailscale
repository: a0d7b954
slug: a0d7b954_tailscale
state: stopped
update_available: false
version: 0.6.1
version_latest: 0.6.1
- description: Fast and friendly network scanner
icon: true
logo: true
name: Angry IP Scanner
repository: f1c878cb
slug: f1c878cb_angryipscanner
state: stopped
update_available: false
version: 0.1.0
version_latest: 0.1.0
- description: A CUPS print server with Avahi installed
icon: false
logo: false
name: CUPS Print Server
repository: b6b63df3
slug: b6b63df3_cups
state: stopped
update_available: false
version: 1.0.0-alpha.25
version_latest: 1.0.0-alpha.25
- description: ESPHome add-on for intelligently managing all your ESP8266/ESP32 devices
icon: true
logo: true
name: ESPHome
repository: 5c53de3b
slug: 5c53de3b_esphome
state: started
update_available: false
version: 2022.4.0
version_latest: 2022.4.0
- description: An Open Source MQTT broker
icon: true
logo: true
name: Mosquitto broker
repository: core
slug: core_mosquitto
state: started
update_available: false
version: 6.0.1
version_latest: 6.0.1
- description: HDD Tools provides S.M.A.R.T. information
icon: false
logo: false
name: HDD Tools
repository: dac3d81b
slug: dac3d81b_hdd_tools
state: started
update_available: false
version: 0.52.0
version_latest: 0.52.0
- https://github.com/webhookrelay/home-assistant
- https://github.com/thomasmauerer/hassio-addons
- https://github.com/bleakvin/hass-guacamole
- https://github.com/MaxWinterstein/homeassistant-addons/
- https://github.com/tsujamin/hass-addons
- https://github.com/sabeechen/hassio-google-drive-backup
- https://github.com/ncarr/addon-repository
- https://github.com/CoolKit-Technologies/ha-addon
- https://github.com/esphome/home-assistant-addon
- https://github.com/Draggon/hassio-hdd-tools
arch: aarch64
channel: beta
debug: false
debug_block: false
diagnostics: null
healthy: true
logging: info
supported: true
timezone: Asia/Karachi
update_available: false
version: 2022.04.2
version_latest: 2022.04.2
with a constantly rotating circle.
I am running HAOS 2022.4.6
## System Health
version | core-2022.4.6
-- | --
installation_type | Home Assistant OS
dev | false
hassio | true
docker | true
user | root
virtualenv | false
python_version | 3.9.9
os_name | Linux
os_version | 5.15.32-v8
arch | aarch64
timezone | Asia/Karachi
<details><summary>Home Assistant Community Store</summary>
GitHub API | ok
-- | --
GitHub Content | ok
GitHub Web | ok
GitHub API Calls Remaining | 4849
Installed Version | 1.24.5
Stage | running
Available Repositories | 1096
Downloaded Repositories | 23
<details><summary>Home Assistant Cloud</summary>
logged_in | false
-- | --
can_reach_cert_server | ok
can_reach_cloud_auth | ok
can_reach_cloud | ok
<details><summary>Home Assistant Supervisor</summary>
host_os | Home Assistant OS 8.0.rc2
-- | --
update_channel | beta
supervisor_version | supervisor-2022.04.2
docker_version | 20.10.12
disk_total | 237.7 GB
disk_used | 28.8 GB
healthy | true
supported | true
board | rpi4-64
supervisor_api | ok
version_api | ok
installed_addons | Samba share (9.5.1), File editor (5.3.3), Home Assistant Google Drive Backup (0.106.2), InfluxDB (4.4.1), Grafana (7.5.2), Glances (0.15.0), ZeroTier One (0.13.2), SSH & Web Terminal (10.1.1), Check Home Assistant configuration (3.10.0), CEC Scanner (3.0), Log Viewer (0.13.0), MariaDB (2.4.0), Webhook Relay - Remote Access (2.4.3), Tailscale (, AdGuard Home (4.5.0), Samba Backup (5.0.0), ADS-B Multi-Portal Feeder (1.0.3), Tailscale (0.6.1), Angry IP Scanner (0.1.0), CUPS Print Server (1.0.0-alpha.25), ESPHome (2022.4.0), Mosquitto broker (6.0.1), HDD Tools (0.52.0)
dashboards | 2
-- | --
resources | 11
views | 17
mode | storage
supervisor state in info tab is healthy
but in the observer is unhealthy and Unsupported