Can't access UI after install

I’m brand new to Home Assistant but wanted to start learning and try it out. I did the Hyper-V install per the instructions but after it finishes installing, I can’t access the UI.

Any of the homeassistant.local URLs don’t work.

ipaddress:4357 works and I get
Supervistor: connected
Supported: supported
Healthy: healthy

ipaddress:8123 doesn’t work and I get a “can’t reach this page”

Any help would be appreciated. Really would like to start learning and playing around with it.

i take the message at port 4357 is a good sign.

It can take quite a while when you first start Home Assistant … like 5 minutes on a RasPi 4.
And once you get a web page, then another 20-odd minutes while it configures itself. Thank ghod you only have to do it once :wink:

Thanks. Is there a way to tell that it’s still setting up? I’ve left it for 30+ min and nothing still.

Make certain you type http://x.x.x.x:8123. Even while HA is brewing you are still able to access HA through port 8123.

If no joy post a screenshot of the HA VM screen displaying connection info.

I just wiped the hyper-v and started over again with a fresh image and now it’s working. Not sure why it started to work. I tried virtual box and the same thing was happening but it’s working now.