Can't Add ANY Nanoleaf Product - Help Needed

So I am trying to integrate my Nanoleaf products, one is a Nanoleaf Essential Light Strip, which is a Thread and Matter enabled device; another is a Nanoleaf Lines, which is Thread enabled, but is a border router device. And I know Nanoleaf devices and their app sucks, but I still want to integrate them somehow.
I have followed all possible ways to integrate these two products as Homekit devices. However, only the lightstrip can be discovered by HASS, but can’t be added to HASS because of the error shown below, and no matter how, it refuses to accept any pairing code.

And it was worse for my Nanoleaf Line. When I first installed HASS and booted up for the VERY FIRST TIME, HASS discovered it and I was able to add it to HASS without asking for an IP address or other configs, despite at that time, the line was connected to HomeKit. However, at that time the line was always unresponsive in HASS so I was forced to remove it. But now when I want to integrate it again, HASS cannot discover it as a HomeKit device, nor can I integrate it via Nanoleaf integration because I am unable to find it’s IP address on my local network.
I did tried using Thread network to make it work. However, the problem is that if I still use my Homepod as the main broder router, I will have to add my line to the Thread network by integrating it to HomeKit first, and that will make my line no longer the border router but a daughter device; If I want to use the line as the border router, I will have to set it up on my iPad but somehow not using HomeKit, which is impossible.
For both devices, I have searched all forum posts, I tried removing them from HomeKit, I tried adding them back then remove again, I tried soft reset and hard reset then try again, I tried reset then add to HomeKit then remove and try again, basically I have tried any method those lucky users claimed to be “working”, and yet none of them worked. And I hate them pretending it is easy peasy so please don’t.
Is there any possible way to actually set up nanoleaf devices properly so they will a) get integrated and b) not offline everytime I try to use?

It was astonishingly simple for me to integrate the Nanoleaf Essentials LED lightstrip. I plugged in the lightstrip, and the Matter (BETA) integration was automatically discovered by HA. I then clicked on “+ ADD DEVICE” and was instructed to use a mobile device. From the HA app on my iPhone I did the same and was instructed to scan the code with my iPhone camera on the cover of the instruction manual. And that was it; 5 entities appeared. Total time was about two minutes.

I did not have any previous Matter devices installed. I did not install the Nanoleaf app and communicate directly with the device. I only have Zigbee and Z-wave dongles. I’m running HASS OS on Intel bare metal with Bluetooth. I have no idea how the Nanoleaf device communicates. One clue is that I bought a second strip and tried to integrate it from the installed location, but the setup from the mobile app took a long time and failed. I then plugged in the device about ten feet away from the computer running HA and it synced rapidly. For that reason, I suspect it’s using Bluetooth for the initial setup, then an IP connection?

For me, everything happened automagically, but I’m not complaining. (Based on my experience, I would suggest plugging the device in for setup close to your HA server and have Bluetooth activated.)