Hi guys i had some troubles with my tasmota sonoff zigbee , all my devices get disconnected so i upgrade my sonoff zigbee bridge with the latest tasmota zb , i add the bridge with zha add a few devices , but a few other said “Skip initialization for existing device” i delete the zigbee.db , remove all reference to the device mac on .storage but still when i try to add a device keep skiping
is any other place where HA store the mac of the zigbee devices?
Having the same issue here, I can not find any UI reference to the ID or Mac address. This is on a Hue Motion Sensor that has never been added. I have another Hue motion sensor that worked fine.
I fixed my problem, there was an entry in zigbee.db/devices for that address. I deleted the row using DB browser, reuploaded the file and restarted the core. Restarting the core is important as it seems the DB is stored in memory and needs to be refreshed. Not sure if theres a shortcut to do that but this worked non the less. It would be very nice if the ZHA integration used the HA database connections, it would be much easier to fix using the sqlite browser addon. ZHA needs to check if its database devices are attached to a HA device before skipping the device. I am pretty sure this is because I held the reset too long while it was scanning interrupting the configuration.