Can't add entity to energy dashboard

Hello! I am having some trouble with the energy dashboard. I own three identical plugs with a built-in powermeter. I can add two of these out of the box, but the third does not show up in the select field for some reason.

These are the entities I’m talking about, powermeter3 is the one not working.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to debug this?

I was able to resolve this inside of the developer tools.
There is a statistics tab that lists all the statistics, and also reports any errors with them.

For some reason this one entity had Watts as unit in the database (?) While the entity was configured as kWh. No idea how that happened, but one click in the UI managed to fix that.

Great that HA has this good error recovery, just a shame that it is so hard to find :slight_smile:


Thanks for reporting the fix.

It would have been impossible to tell from your screenshot as it lists the correct unit.

Omg, i have been struggling for day with this. I was actually preparing a nex SD card to try a fresh install when i finaly came across this post.
Amazing tool once you know of its existance…

How do you change the unit of measure for an energy sensor, if I can ask?
I have a Tesla wall connector which reports energy in Wh and I cannot add it to the energy dashboard.