Cant add hikvision NVR as HA device


I have added all necessary configurration parametrs to integrate my local NVR to HA and restarted:

HA not detects it( there are no SNMP or platform access options in my NVR menu, I am not sure why and may be this could be issue. But I am able to access my cameras by my phone app which is HiLook.

Please advise how to debug and solve my issue.


This integration doesn’t do what you think it does.

It connects to the Hikvision event stream, from cameras or NVRs, to report various motion and other security events. You need to specifically configure these events on your camera or NVR before the integration detects them, as described on the integration page you linked to. It won’t allow you to remotely access your NVR or anything like that. It’s purely about security events.

You can use the generic camera or ONVIF integrations to actually view your cameras. But you can’t view recorded footage, only live.

SNMP runs over the separate SNMP integration. Only ‘pro’ type Hikvision NVR models support SNMP, the basic ones don’t.


Great! It is clear now thanks.

I dont have pro hikvision but my camera have onvif capability. Actually I dont need snmp functionality, what I need is to show my camera video on HA dashboard.

NVR blocks access to camera and when I enable nvr switch it allows to access camera through NVR IP and some port assigned by NVR for camera like

This port not allows HA to access onvif and it is only for camera parameters page. I am not surehow to bypass nvr and get onvif direct connection with camera. My mobile phone also have onvif app which is camera not appears there. Is there are any solution for this case ?


The NVR doesn’t actually block things, it just reroutes the data onto different endpoints. It acts like a passthrough and aggregator on the video feeds from the cameras and it can optionally modify and reencode the stream too (depending on the NVR model - third stream, overlay data on AI detection methods, etc).

The way it works is as follows. It depends on how you connected your cameras to the NVR:

  • Both cameras and NVR are on the same external router. They will all be in the same subnet. In this case, you can directly access all ports on your cameras (rtsp, http for still images, etc) and you can also access them on the NVR IP as a mirror. It is recommended to not use the direct camera IPs to get a stream off them, because their relatively weak CPU may have trouble serving two clients with highres streams.

  • Cameras are directly connected to the NVR internal router. In this scenario, the NVR puts them into a separate subnet that is not directly routed to your main subnet. The NVR uses virtual NAT ports (65002, 65003, etc) on its own IP to map the individual camera port 80. So you can use these virtual ports to access the camera config or to get a still image. But you can’t directly pull a video feed off the camera that way (these ports are not mapped), you need to pull them from the NVR instead. But that’s the recommended way anyway.

So to get an RTSP stream of any camera connected to the NVR, regardless of the method used:


Open this URL in vlc for example, to test. It should show the primary stream of the camera configured as camera 1 within the NVR. replace the 101 at the end to get other streams or cameras. The first number is the camera channel ID, the last one is the stream ID (1 = main stream, 2 = substream, 3 = third stream). So for example this would give you the low resolution substream of camera 4:


You can configure the generic camera integration with those URLs to get live feed on the HA dashboard.

For still images, you can use the direct camera IP or the virtual ports mappings, depending on how you connected the cameras. The NVR will not pass through still image data, it has to be requested from the camera itself. For example, use this to get a still image from camera 1:


All this works without ONVIF. If you want to use ONVIF instead of configuring all this manually, you need to first enable ONVIF in the NVR web config system, add a user for it with appropriate permissions and then configure the ONVIF integration in HA on the NVR IP:


You are absolutelly right, I have followed your guideline and all cameras in HA are working OK.
Thanks you are awsome :slight_smile:

If you can help, I had 4 cameras without NVR and the RTSP were working fine.
Now I added them to the NVR and I have access to the cameras through HikConnect in my phone but I tryied to access the RTSP (with and without port 554) and vlc doesn’t open the url.
The status of the cameras are Online and I have enabled RTSP.
Do you have any suggestion?
Some print screens in case they help.

Also if you can help here with the certificate :grinning:
Is this the problem?

Not enough information. Post the URL you’re using to access the camera streams.

for example:

I got it. I had 2 issues. I had Stream Encryption enabled and H265…

But what about the certificate. Is it needed?


No you don’t need the certificate for rtsp streaming.

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Newer integration HIKVISION NEXT made it simple. I tried it and all my cameras, sensors, and NVR health reporting was done. here is the link

Hikvision Next

I’m connecting to this discussion, I tried to follow the system you proposed:
I tried to open the modified link with my settings with vlc, and it works perfectly
then I tried to integrate in ha via the generic camera and unfortunately it only works halfway
it displays the camera correctly but when I click on the entity it shows me the video like this:


I use a Hikvision DVR mod DS-7100 with DS-2CV2041G2 Wi-Fi cameras connected directly to the network that the DVR creates with their IPs provided by the router.

I tried with the HIK integration for Ha, but as already said, it sees the DVR correctly but not the cameras (actually I see the cameras but it doesn’t recognize them as a model and therefore they don’t return any video stream to me)

With onvif I can’t test because in the Hikvision control panel it doesn’t give me the option for Onvif:

In principle, the system you recommend using the generic camera would be fine for me, but I have this annoying problem, any other suggestions to solve it?

Hi and thanks for your help