Can't add History Stats helper from UI

Good day! I need help with adding a History Stats helper from the UI

I am trying to follow the instruction found here History Stats - Home Assistant ( but there is no such an option… am I missing somethimg?

in my config.yaml I do have integration enabled:



Did you restart Home Assistant after adding that?

A restart is required the first time you add new integration.

Yes. That line in my config it is there for a year or so. I am constantly using recorder and track history of sensors’ values. The last restart I did was yesterday…

Opps. history: is the history graph panel integration , not history_stats.

In YAML you would do:

  - platform: history_stats ### <- this
    name: Lamp ON today
    entity_id: light.my_lamp
    state: "on"
    type: time
    start: "{{ today_at() }}"
    end: "{{ now() }}"

I have no idea how or why it is not showing up in the UI. The UI is relatively new, which version of Home Assistant are you on?

This! I was 3 months behind the latest version. I have just updated to the latest and see that helper in the UI just fine. Thanks!