Can't add SDR2mqtt add-on

I’m trying to add the SDR2mqtt add-on from Slacker Labs. I’ve gone to
Settings->Add-ons->Add-On Store button->threedots->Repositories

and added:

Then closed and even restarted my HA, but going to add-on store, I still can’t find any add on from Slacker Labs. I can open the git repository from my browser, but nothing on HA.

I am currently running
Home Assistant 2022.10.1 Supervisor 2022.10.0 Operating System 9.0 Frontend 20221006.0 - latest
on RPi3+.

I’ve managed to install this add-on, it ‘magically’ appeared in the add-on list about 18 hours later :man_shrugging:

In any case, it’s installed now, we’ll see how I make out adding devices…