Can't bind Aqara FP2

Hey, I just get my aqara FP2, I have 40+ zigbee sensors and Im working with Home Assitant, I read can I connect the FP2 without any aqara hub to my Home Assistant, I tried to connect the fp2 and I got error when trying to bind, the device cant bind, I have 4 Wifi networks and Firewall and I tried to change WIFI and of course I tried 2.4GHZ but its not working, maybe I need to open ports or something? I sent message to the seller and he said I need a hub so I get aqara hub and tried to connect to aqara app and same problem, I have home kit and maybe this making some problems, if I try to connect to home kit It success to add it to my home kit dashboard but no responding , maybe someone can help me please??
this is the error code message

You definitely do not need the hub, so don’t worry with it.

Were you able to get the FP2 connected to the WiFi?

yes, I have the ip adress and I can ping him

Can you ping it from HA?

yes I think yes, I tried other pc on this network but I will sure about it later . if yes what can I do?

I added it with android device but now its not on home kit, can I add it without home kit?
I have ping from HA to fp2 sensor

You don’t need an iDevice for the HomeKit setup. I set my FP2 up with an Android device and it popped up in HA through the discovery automatically.

Can you connect to the FP2 with the Aqara app?

yes, now I success to bind with android device, so now I have this device in aqara app on Iphone and on android device, I have ping from HA , I didnt see something popped :frowning:

Reading the docs, you’ll want to make sure you have mDNS enabled between the network that HA is on and the network for the FP2.