Cant change height of calendar card using card mod

Why cant I change height of the calendar card ?

type: calendar
  - calendar.mymail_gmail_com
initial_view: dayGridDay
  style: |
    ha-card {
      min-height: 200px !important;
      color: red;

It accepts the color change but not the height. The height is just greyed out like so:

If I change this in the developer console it does exactly what I want:

Can anyone help?

This is my solution:

  - type: calendar
      - calendar.mailo_gmail_com
    initial_view: dayGridDay
          $: |
            #calendar {
              min-height: 150px !important;

Is this a custom card or where did you put this bit?

Its not a custom card but I’m using
card mod

Thank you, found it.

I’ll give it a go.

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sorry to piggyback on this but the Spousal Approval Factor is at stake.

I have the calendar on an Inkplate 10 and thankfully, I found your thread about the height which helped a lot but the spacing between the event lines is so big that the calendar still only shows 2-3 events.

Do you know by any chance on how I’d be able to reduce the spacing and how I could change the past events to not “fade” (wife thinks the grey events make it look “broken”).

Big thanks to anyone who can help me :slight_smile:

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Hey @motz ,

Spousal approval factor are the most important , I know what you are talking about !

I have tried to make some changes for you , maybe that can help…

      $: |
        #calendar {
          min-height: 230px !important;
        .fc-day-past .fc-daygrid-day-events {
          opacity: 1 !important;
        .fc .fc-daygrid-event {
          padding 0px !important;
          margin 0px !important;
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@cvester You rock! The events are not faded any more! I think that’s the most critical part as it looks good now.

The .fc .fc-daygrid-event didn’t seem to change anything for now but that direction on how to play around should already help me get there eventually.

Thanks again! Man, I love this community.

Edit: height: did the trick! Yay!

        .fc .fc-daygrid-event {
          padding 0px !important;
          margin 0px !important;
          height: 15px !important;
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Good you found a solution , I’m glad I could help ! :grin:

this worked great for me…many thanks…to be fair it was nitpicking for me but HASS is all about a tinkering session

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Hello, I am also trying to extend the height of the calendar view, but no success.
I would like to fill in the blank space at the bottom of the card … the width is ok though :

      - initial_view: dayGridMonth
        type: calendar
          - calendar.ceccccdrccccole_gmail_com
              $: |
                #calendar {
                  min-height: 200px !important;

in fact as far as I can see now that I have setup a black background, it increases the height of the “card”, but not the height of the table (calendar itself), as you can see :

… here is my complete code :

    hide_header: false
    hide_sidebar: false
    kiosk: true
  - title: Home
    sections: []
    type: custom:grid-layout
      grid-template-rows: 75px 500px
      grid-template-columns: 600px 600px
      grid-template-areas: |
        "head1 head1"
        "col1 col1"
      - type: custom:mushroom-chips-card
          - type: entity
            entity: person.delecole
              action: navigate
              navigation_path: /lenovo-m10-plus-home/0
            name: Home
            content_info: name
            icon: mdi:home
            use_entity_picture: false
            icon_color: yellow
          grid-area: head1
      - initial_view: dayGridMonth
        type: calendar
          - calendar.xxxxxx_gmail_com
          style: |
            ha-card {
              background: black;
              min-height: 600px !important;
              border: 0px;
          grid-area: col1

Many Thanks !!

My guess would be that you target the ha-card like this:

ha-card {
              background: black;
              min-height: 600px !important;
              border: 0px;

and not like this

              $: |
                #calendar {
                  min-height: 200px !important;

this seems to be working for me

style: |
    ha-full-calendar {
      --calendar-height: 600px !important; /* Adjust the height as desired */

No luck for me … I have put a black background, and as you can see only this background is changing, but not the table itself ?!?

      - initial_view: dayGridMonth
        type: calendar
          - calendar.xxx_gmail_com
          - calendar.yyy_com
          style: |
            ha-card {
              background: black;
              height: 150px !important;
              border: 0px;
          grid-area: col1


oh but wait … you are using ha-full-calendar ??? Where is this coming from because indeed, this wording is changing the calendar itself, it seems …

          style: |
            ha-full-calendar {
              background: black;
              height: 800px !important;
              border: 0px;

and now it seems to be dimensioning in height :

Is there some doc explaining this ?
I though “ha-card” was a card-mod parameter, but now we talk about ha-full-calendar ???

ha-card is the root but I figured it was better just to go straight to the sub element

its funny that I send you something that indeed does work , then you do whatever you want and write back to me that it doesnt work.

Well yes, the card-mod docs explain everything.

Well, actually yes, it works with ha-full-calendar.

It is still not ok for me, because even if it shows a nice calendar and size adapted to my dashboard, what I want in final is a 7 columns) days view …
You know about a way to have such with with this calendar card ?

You seems to be expert the coding

If you try to draw / illustrate it to me I can give it a try

Super thanks !!

What I would like to achieve, is such view with the ability to go from weeks to weeks :

and basically even a single week is also ok :

… this I can achieve using anther card called “week-planner”, and this is what I would like to achieve using the standard card. For the moment with the standard card I can not have a view like this in columns ;-(