sorry to piggyback on this but the Spousal Approval Factor is at stake.
I have the calendar on an Inkplate 10 and thankfully, I found your thread about the height which helped a lot but the spacing between the event lines is so big that the calendar still only shows 2-3 events.
Do you know by any chance on how I’d be able to reduce the spacing and how I could change the past events to not “fade” (wife thinks the grey events make it look “broken”).
@cvester You rock! The events are not faded any more! I think that’s the most critical part as it looks good now.
The .fc .fc-daygrid-event didn’t seem to change anything for now but that direction on how to play around should already help me get there eventually.
Hello, I am also trying to extend the height of the calendar view, but no success.
I would like to fill in the blank space at the bottom of the card … the width is ok though :
in fact as far as I can see now that I have setup a black background, it increases the height of the “card”, but not the height of the table (calendar itself), as you can see :
oh but wait … you are using ha-full-calendar ??? Where is this coming from because indeed, this wording is changing the calendar itself, it seems …
Well, actually yes, it works with ha-full-calendar.
It is still not ok for me, because even if it shows a nice calendar and size adapted to my dashboard, what I want in final is a 7 columns) days view …
You know about a way to have such with with this calendar card ?
… this I can achieve using anther card called “week-planner”, and this is what I would like to achieve using the standard card. For the moment with the standard card I can not have a view like this in columns ;-(