Can't change scenes of window blinds using Tahoma integration

I’ve created two simple scenes testing the Overkiz integration of my new Tahoma box.
One scene is supposed to keep the blinds down and close them. The other scene is supposed to keep the blinds down and open them (tilt).
Activating the second scene usually works, if the blinds are already down. Then the scene will just do the tilt. However, if the blinds are up, then the scene will run, but stop in a state that doesn’t correspond to my configuration.

Activating the first scene does not work at all from any previous state and fails with an error “Failed to call service scene/turn_on. Entity cover.stefan does not support this service.

Does this work at all? Is this a known problem? Is there a workaround?

Hi, I had exactly same error with Overkiz, Tahoma switch and blinds witch Somfy motors. I solved the issue after some time, but I have to say I don’t know the “cure”… I made severel changes and didn’t tested which one solved the problem. But I think that HA scene doesn’t remember the position of blinds, but only repeats series of commands. Therefore you have to “record” the commands to scene. If you want to have open blinds down try this:

  1. put blinds up NOT by HA
  2. create scene
  3. add your blinds
  4. set wanted position of blinds by HA (blinds down, tilt open)
  5. save scene

Hi, ran into the same problem and it turned out HA calls turn_on when the tilt is at 100% (fully open). So my workaround was to manually edit scenes.yaml via File Editor and set current_tilt_position to 99.

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My previous workaround suggestion did not work reliably so I came back to it today and ended up replacing the scenes with script sequence:

  1. Call cover.set_cover_tilt_position to desired position
  2. 3 second delay so the blinds get there
  3. call cover.set_cover_position to move the blinds up or down.

At least in my case, the blinds restore the tilt set in step 1 once they reach the desired position (must be 1-99, 0 and 100 override tilt to fullly closed/open)

I have the exact same problem. Is there any other workaround solution to that, instead of creating a script?

Same issue here, any other options?