Can't change switch icon

I want to change the icon to the Flash icon for a couple of switches. My Wemo uses the flash as standard but a couple of Xiaomi switches use a plug.

I have tried this:

  - platform: xiaomi_miio
    name: UseNET Switch
    icon: mdi:flash
    host: !secret usenet-switch-ip
    token: !secret usenet-switch-token

have you tried using the customise section to change the icon?

No I only have it configured in configuration.yaml
I have other icons set in config yaml like the terminal and configurator…

in your customize.yaml try something along the lines of

  icon: mdi:flash
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yup. trying that now…

yeah that worked. Thanks for the tip.

no probs. glad to help

Hmm… adding it into customise stopped my Wemo switch being configured (It was only using the discovery component). So I manually added that… It never ends lol.

oh right! I had no idea something like that would happen. I don’t use ‘discovery’ as I like to have control. All devices are assigned static IP’s from my router and are manually coded into HA. One to remember though!

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