Can't clear the logbook from binary sensors

My logbook is completely spammed by my occupancy sensors, and I can’t manage to exclude them from the logbook.

Here is what my yaml looks like :

      - binary_sensor    #I guess this should do the trick but it doesn"t
      - sensor
      - group
      - binary_sensor.presence*     #also tried to double down as all occupency sensors starts with the same id, still no success
      - automation
      - climate
      - cover
      - sun
      - input_boolean
      - weather
      - button
      - input_button
      - script

Can anybody help me please, it is driving me mad :slight_smile:

I assume you don’t actually have the comments in the YAML as above?

Are you sure you only have one logbook: entry in your config?

actually, I found out that it is a known issue with no workarounds being developped at the moment

Then probably the issue should be recreated (or reopened) if you are sure that this is a bug.

don’t really know how to do that properly :slight_smile: