2019-08-26 16:54:15 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.auth.indieauth] OS error while looking up redirect_uri https://home-assistant.io/iOS: No route to host
2019-08-26 16:54:15 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.ban] Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from
Hi all, been bashing my head against this one all night… Ended up nuking my config directories as I blamed a recent errant “rm -r *” in my .homeassistant directory for creating some form of instability, but was wrong. New installation, old problems.
In the end I managed to trace it back to a self-compiled installation of openssl. I use a RPi3, and it didn’t have the latest openssl available as a package which was causing me some problems with either HA or something else a while back. The issue with this is that it tries to load the root certificates from /usr/local/ssl/certs and NOT /etc/ssl/certs (which is where update-ca-certificates is plonking the certificates)
Not wanting to figure out how to configure either update-ca-certificates or how to compileopenssl against the correct dirrectory, cheating and creating a symlink worked for me: