Cant connect to Hassio webui via Android Phone

Hey i am using Hassio on my raspberry 3
and when i try connect to it via pc it works like a charm but on phone it does not work at all
i am not using ssl

I have not tired connecting via Ip only via hassio.local:8123

I am a beginner when it comes to Home assistant.

Android doesn’t have the required software to translate hassio.local into an ip address, so you have to do that for it, and enter the ip address.

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well thats another problem … how do i get the im adress of my rpi … this question is propably stupid but the only solution i found was to look it up in the router … but i dont have access to the router

I’m afraid I don’t know how to do that with hassio.

If you have access to the command line you might try ifconfig or nmap -v -sn, but I have no idea if they are available.

In general, I think HA will be quite hard to use without a fixed IP.

Is the App Fing on the google store? You can use that to scan your network and find the address.

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Fing worked
thank you very much!

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