Can't connect to home assisstant after changing configuration.yaml (let's encrypt)

Hi everyone,

I accidentally locked myself out of my Home Assistant server. Everything is functioning, but I can no longer connect to my domain. I have Cloudflare set up with my own domain, and I recently installed Let’s Encrypt. After rebooting, I lost access to my server.

I remember modifying the following lines in configuration.yaml from:

use_x_forwarded_for: true


server_port: 443
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

Does anyone know how I can regain access to my server?


When i try to connect to my domain, it says: error 400: bad request.

Hi Willem,

First, no expert here. I dabbled with internal secure urls and decided I didn’t need it…

However just wanted to say if http:// is not working, if you are trying to connect to a (now) encrypted site, you probably need https:// and not http:// . Make sure you are trying both.

You need to try https://<local_ip>.
You’ll get a security warning regarding the certificate; ignore it.

When you get acces, put those line back under http: (keeping the ones you added)

use_x_forwarded_for: true

thank you so much, this worked!!